My Shopper is published monthly and distributed to 200 locations in East Hamilton, Bradley, McMinn, Meigs, Monroe & Polk Counties in Southeast Tennessee. It is available free of charge.
Our Mission: To help people live happier, healthier, and more Christ-like lives.
MY SHOPPER is available at grocery stores, convenience stores, banks, real estate offices, motels, restaurants, auto repair & auto body shops, and courthouses. MY SHOPPER contains Christian articles, family-oriented articles, humor, recipes, and advertising. Inside MY SHOPPER you will find bargains, coupons, and discounts- Everything from pizza to real estate for sale. Auto repair, auto body repair & towing services are also listed. Bubba & Cooter stories will keep you laughing. Also, find great new recipes and articles on healthy living. Click on any of the categories to find local businesses,e.g Appliances, Autos, Auto Repair, Tires, Transmission Repair, Auto Body Repair, Construction, Contractors, Home Repair and remodeling, Retail stores, Restaurants, Real Estate, Homes, Land, Retail Stores, Tax Preparation Services in East Hamilton, Bradley, McMinn, Polk, Meigs & Monroe Counties, TN. Support these hometown businesses that bring MY SHOPPER to you and make MY SHOPPER possible. If your favorite store does not have MY SHOPPER, ask them to carry it. They can request to be put on the distribution route for East Hamilton, Bradley, McMinn, Polk, Meigs, or Monroe Co., TN by calling 423-462-2700 or emailing to
Larry Kuka, Publisher
Pick up MY SHOPPER # 268 in stores in Ooltewah, Collegedale, Birchwood, Harrison, Cleveland, Charleston, Benton, Ocoee, Decatur, Athens, Niota, Riceville, Etowah, Englewood, Tellico Plains, Madisonville, Sweetwater, and Vonore to see the latest sales, discounts, coupons, stories, and humor.
VISIT our My Shopper latest News, Good Health & Better Living blog at myshopperblog.wordpress.com
See our new advertisers: SugarCreek Meat Processing, Sequoyah Birthplace Museum.
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Sacrifice is giving up something you cherish for something that is better.
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." C.S. Lewis
"There are some things worse than death, and there are even some things worse than dying young, and that’s to live without courage and conviction.” Joan of Arc before she was burned at the stake.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Phil 4:13.
You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
See MY SHOPPER. Click here for auto repair & auto body repair: http://myshoppertn.com/automotive-services
For southeast Tennessee Real Estate for sale in Hamilton, Bradley, Meigs, McMinn, Polk or Monroe County just click http://myshoppertn.com/real-estate-services .
Also for real estate, homes, and land see Mountain, Lakefront & Rural Property Guide Online for TN, AL, GA by going to www.ampub.com or www.mountainland.us